Legacy Data Discovery Leverage what you have.
As your business grows, so does your reliance on technology.
It can be that with each upgrade you are forced to abandon legacy data and legacy systems that quite frankly, had their uses.
The X Cloud Platform can 'talk' to all your existing systems and extract any data you are interested in. It can then cross reference that data with other sources and combine it all in to one single coherent dashboard.
You are not alone
Put simply, we offer a custom built and fully managed experience and we certainly don't sell you and run.

We'll do it all for you.
You won't have to learn Excel Kung Fu or get a black belt in Sage reporting to see the information you need.
An appropriate use of resources
As a busy FD or MD you could better spend your time doing things only you can do.
Complete delight at the results or we do it again
Just tell us what you want to see, show us what you have already and let our nerds work out the rest.
If we don't get it right first time, we go again until we do.
It takes less than 5 minutes to show you.
Want to know more? Tap or click on the following short presentation demonstrating these features within The X Cloud Platform.
The maxxpal X Cloud Platform is readily accessible and customisable for businesses of ALL sizes. To learn more about how it could transform the way YOUR organisation operates, talk to us today
If you need a one page business case for your presentation click here
Request a call-back and we can arrange to demonstrate The X Cloud Platform to you remotely.